Our Members

Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand
Established on 1 July 2022, Te Whatu Ora leads the day-to-day running of the health system across New Zealand, with functions delivered at local, district, regional and national levels. It weaves the functions of the 20 former District Health Boards into its regional divisions and district offices, ensuring continuity of services in the health system.
Te Whatu Ora manages all health services, including hospital and specialist services, and primary and community care. Hospital and specialist services are planned nationally so they can be delivered more consistently across the country. It also manages national contracts.
Primary health, wellbeing and community-based services are planned and then purchased through the four regional divisions of Te Whatu Ora. Each region works with their district offices, located closer to local communities, to develop and implement plans based on local needs to improve the health and wellbeing of communities.
Te Whatu Ora is also responsible for improving services and outcomes across the health system. We do this in partnership with Te Aka Whai Ora - Māori Health Authority.

Mercy Hospital, Dunedin
Mercy Hospital Dunedin Ltd is a not for profit, tertiary level surgical hospital. Our team provides exceptional care to Otago and Southland patients across the breadth of surgical specialties.
Set on a beautiful four hectare site in Dunedin’s town belt, our campus includes a main Hospital building where in-patient wards, a day-stay ward and a 3-bed ICU support six main operating theatres, with a seventh under construction. Our stand-alone day stay unit, Manaaki by Mercy, has two theatres where more minor surgeries and procedures are carried out.
Mercy Hospital seeks to serve its community through its charitable outreach work, while also minimising its impact on the environment with a strong focus on sustainability. We are proud to have held Toitū Enviromark Gold level certification since 2020.
More information is available at mercyhospital.org.nz.

Pharmac work with medicines, vaccines, medical devices, and related products, to build on existing foundations and work together towards a future of health and wellbeing for our whānau.
They aim to secure for eligible people in need of pharmaceuticals, the best health outcomes that are reasonably achievable from pharmaceutical treatment and from with the amount of funding provided. More plainly said - we secure pharmaceuticals for New Zealanders to help them obtain the best health outcomes all within the funding we are provided.

Arvida Group Limited
Arvida builds, owns and operates over 35 retirement communities across New Zealand that provide quality retirement community living and aged care services to New Zealanders over 65 years. Their communities celebrate their uniqueness but share an overarching mission to make residents lives better with everything they do. This enables each community to express its own character, personality and identity.
Over 6,750 residents live in Arvida retirement communities supported by 2,700 employees. The communities offer a continuum of care that ranges from independent living to rest home, hospital and dementia care with a range of flexible care plans depending on needs. Arvida is listed on NZX.
Website: www.arvida.co.nz

OraTaiao: NZ Climate and Health Council
OraTaiao: The New Zealand Climate and Health Council comprises health professionals in Aotearoa/New Zealand concerned with:
The negative impacts of climate change on health.
The health gains that are possible through strong, health-centred climate action that honours Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Highlighting the impacts of climate change on those who already experience disadvantage or ill-health (equity impacts).
Reducing the health sector's contribution to climate change.
We are part of a worldwide movement of health professionals and health organisations urgently focusing on the health challenges of climate change and the health opportunities of climate action. The Council is a not-for-profit, politically non-partisan incorporated society.
Website: https://www.orataiao.org.nz/

WSP New Zealand: Healthcare Engineering and Advisory Services
As the premier design, engineering and environmental consultancy in Aotearoa New Zealand, WSP exists to future-proof our cities and environment. Our 2,500 expert professionals in 35 offices across Aotearoa are united by the common purpose of creating positive, long-lasting impacts on the communities we serve.
We provide strategic advisory, engineering, and design services to clients in the transportation, infrastructure, environment, building, energy, and water sectors. We work with our network of 66,000 WSP experts across the world to bring global insights to our local challenges, creating what matters for future generations. When in comes to health, Our local and global network of engineers, consultants, and advisors are passionate about creating the best outcomes for people – for staff, patients, and their families. Through our designs and advice, we deliver high-quality projects that support the highest standards of modern clinical care in high-performance, efficient buildings.
We bring experience, expertise, and a strategic mindset to every healthcare project. Our team of knowledgeable engineers understand the unique needs of New Zealand communities and the importance of creating infrastructure that supports the well-being of individuals and enhances community health. We ensure that every aspect of our engineering and strategic solutions aligns with the cultural context and values of New Zealand.